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About Swasti Nutrition


Swasti Nutrition, as the name suggests is a Diet & Nutrition Clinic catering to the nutritional needs of individuals of different  age groups. Wholeheartedly believing in the healing properties of nature, Swasti will help you stay closer to your roots by providing diet plans that are tailor-made just for you. Natural foods with long-term health benefits that nourish you from the inside — we club the most realistic, easy and flexible diet plans for our clients to foster their holistic well being. Swasti, literally translating to health, is owned by Dt. Tanya Ganda, who believes in justifying the name Swasti in her greatest capacity. 



“Let Food Be Your First



  Kitchen Be Your First


Spinach Salad

Individual Nutritional Counseling

Private nutrition counselling services are offered either via phone or Internet where you can be at the comfort of your own desk or home. Individual nutrition counseling is being provided to help meet individual needs. 

During the initial consultation we will help to determine what the key areas are that needs to be focused on to improve your nutrition. Together we then create a nutrition plan that can meet your needs.

Throughout this process we take into account your personal food preferences, travel schedule, favorite restaurants, family life and time constraints. You will leave feeling confident that the plan created is made

specifically for you, to help you reach your health goals.

Preparing Fruit Juice
Weight Management

Conditions like overweight and underweight are commonly observed in individuals in this day and age. Sometimes the bodyweight is over and above the normal range and sometimes, it is too low to be considered healthy. Both these situations have health risks associated with them, like generalized weakness and decreased immunity. However, these are manageable conditions and proper diet, adequate nutrition along physical activity can go a long way.

Thyroid disorders

There are primarily two kinds of Thyroid Disorders— Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism. The main function of the thyroid gland is to maintain your body’s metabolism and digestion. Thus, a person with Hyperthyroidism will be underweight and lean while a person with Hypothyroidism will be overweight and have excessive fat. These days, because of lifestyle factors Hypothyroidism is more common. Nutrition plays a significant role in managing this disorder and that’s where our expertise lies.


The polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition where a hormonal imbalance triggers a disrupted menstrual cycle, excessive hair growth, weight gain, acne, and in severe cases, infertility. Adolescent girls and young women often suffer from this. The best cure is to motivate these women to take proper nutrition through realistic, easy-to-follow nutrition programs and bring about a positive, effective & healthy change in their lives. Overall lifestyle is enhanced if small steps are taken in the right direction.


Corporate Wellness Program & Seminars

Under this service we provide nutrition counseling at schools, colleges and corporates.

We live in a fast paced, complex, uncertain and volatile environment where stress is inevitable. Majority of the times, one tends  not to address it and wait for time to fix it.

We can help change that by being the First Point of Contact and helping people resolve their concerns before they snowball into a Physical or Mental Illness.

An Instant & Anonymous platform, we actively work to boost the productivity & wellness of employees at work and students at Colleges/Schools. Bring Swasti Nutrition Wellness Program in your organisation now.

Diet Plan

What to expect from your initial consultation


In your first consultation, we will get all of your relevant background history, current dietary habits and your goals. We will then take this information to create a detailed nutrition plan intended to get you to your goals while fitting into your specific needs and lifestyle. We will also go through the ins and outs of specific aspects of the plan to help build upon your nutrition knowledge and understanding.

Follow-up sessions


Follow-ups to provide the opportunity to adjust the plan based on changes in body composition, appetite, training, food preferences and more.

They also help with accountability, which can be a major factor in getting results.

Herbs and Minerals


I’m an Indian based in Singapore for the last 5 years. I’ve tried many dietitians here, and I like eating Indian food but didn’t find any suitable option. When I found out about Tanya, I was very happy and hopeful. It made a lot of difference since she customized the plan according to my taste, lifestyle and availability of food.

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